Connect with your team and the broader ER24 community by accessing the ER24 MyChat app.

Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 10.23.52

Tutorial Video:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I download and sign in to the application?

When prompted to sign in, use your company email address assigned to you. Example: or Then enter your password and sign in. 

Please note that your personal email address such as Gmail, Yahoo or any other email address will not allow you to sign in.

Should you not have access to your company provided email address and password, please contact Service Desk at or call 0860 122 123 for assistance. Each employee of Mediclinic and ER24 has been assigned a company email address.

What will ER24 MyChat be used for?

The ER24 MyChat mobile application will be a tool to enable employees of ER24 to communicate directly with another employee registered on the platform. The environment is secure and resides within the company's ICT framework.

Examples of general use:

  • Training and Skills Development Announcements
  • Policy changes and updates
  • General employee information
  • HR updates and notifications
  • Internal branch communications (branch manager and staff groups)
  • Clinical updates and Patient Safety Alerts, etc.

Will ER24 MyChat replace the day to day WhatsApp groups?

No. The application in its current form will not be replacing your company WhatsApp groups. However, you are welcome to request a unique group to be created where pre-identified staff members can join and interact with the group within the application.

Will I be able to discuss patient information with another employee or ask for guidance?

Yes. The application resides within the company's secure ICT framework, unlike WhatsApp and other groups hosted outside the company. Please check with your branch manager or line manager if a group is available specific to your needs. 

Always ensure that you have the necessary permission to disclose patient information or discuss treatment, etc. with another person.

Will I receive notifications on new posts?

You will only receive push notifications to your mobile device if you enable it. General posts appearing on the news timeline will not trigger a push notification. However, should you belong to a specific group or another employee on the application sends you a direct message, you may receive a push notification. Android devices will send a standard push notification, whereas an iOS device will send you a text message.

How do I know which groups I am added to?

You will be added to a default group based on your branch and region, and qualification (BLS, ILS and ALS). There are several other groups that you may join or leave at your discretion. However, some groups will require permission. Therefore, when a request to join a group is selected, the application administrators will receive a notification to allow or deny access.

Can I create a group-specific to my branch or department's needs?

Yes. Please get in touch with the support team on to create the group. By default, only the person that requested the group will be added to that group. It remains the responsibility of the group owner to notify their staff to submit a request on the app to join the group. Administrators will then approve the join requests. The group owner may also submit a list of staff to be added to the group when it is created.

Submit Your Department's Stories

Would you like to feature your department’s news and stories on the ER24 MyChat app? Send an email to


Scan the QR code to download the app on Google Play.


Scan the QR code to download the app on the Apple store.

For ER24 MyChat app support, please send an email to
